
About Alethea

Many people get “stuck in a rut”, so to speak, and end up in a job or profession they absolutely dislike but feel they have no other options and end up with tolerance as their ally on their journey of life. I am one of the more fortunate ones who enjoy what I do for a living and could not be happier that my life veered in the direction it did.

Having been born and raised in Mumbai, India, people (and lots of them) were always an intricate part of my life. This cannot be helped when a city’s population is around 6 million! Living in a city which was an international hub for airlines and the shipping industry, I soon followed in my Father’s footsteps and became involved with the airline industry. My college days found me doing secretarial work for an airline and once I completed my formal education, I decided my desire for travel could be accomplished by becoming a flight attendant. I joined a major international airline and was enjoying the “high” life and the exposure to various nationalities when I met the father of my three sons and before long we were married and I was whisked off to Dallas, Texas!

After spending over ten years climbing the ranks in a Savings and Loan, the relocation of my husband’s job took the family out of state and that’s when I realized Texas was my home. Those of you familiar with the adage “When Mama ain’t happy……..” can guess what happened next. Yes, we were back in Texas!

The events that followed made me realize that the real estate profession was something I could really get excited about and make a difference in people’s lives. Not to mention all the interesting people I could meet and befriend along the way. Of course there have been times when I question the disparity in people who make up the human race but then, that’s the beauty of working with people……….everyone is unique!

I have been a Realtor in the state of Texas for over twenty-nine plus years, and despite the roller coaster years and some nail-biting transactions, I am still enjoying every minute of it. I look forward to the opportunity of meeting and assisting you in achieving your real estate goals, whether it be leasing, buying, selling, or building your dream home in the coming years.


A commitment to the needs of clients is paramount to the success of any good real estate professional.

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If you're thinking about moving and would like for me to begin the search for your ideal home, click here to tell me about what you are looking for.

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Are You Considering Selling

If you are thinking about selling your house or other property, please click here to go to a complimentary home valuation form to get my professional opinion.

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Do you have any specific questions about my real estate services? I can help you buy or sell your home with a comprehensive strategy designed for you.